Mack Weldon 👔
Creative Direction
For the man on the move.
For Mack Weldon’s launch of their new 37.5® Moisture Wicking shirt, they asked that we create a video showing the day in the life of an active professional man. Showing how the shirt moves right along with the various trials of the average day in New York, and can also transition into casual wear for an after work beer was the main thrust of the creative. We took it one step further and gave it a 60’s flare in the edit to make it a memorable ad that would play on social platforms.
One Day
The end result was a highly energetic piece of creative that was the product of a ton of planning and one very grueling day of shooting. We had not a permit in site, and did a completely run and gun shoot with a mobile greenroom in the form of a sprinter van where all the magic happened.

Concept -
Director of Photography