Breakfast with Besser 🥞
Creative Direction
Show Concept
Prop Styling / Fabrication
Script Writing / Research
Branding / Design
It was missing something.
In 2017, my friend and frequent collaborator, Elena Besser, talked to myself and my then business partner, Graham Burns, about a new show idea she had been working on. She invited her friends with a somewhat decent social media following to her house and cooked breakfast for them while she also asked them questions. She had shot a few episodes that were fun, but it was missing something.
After watching what she had made, the fix became clear almost immediately: make the guest cook the food.
From this idea, the three or us began a years long trip to ultimately selling this show to The Food Network and producing 6 episodes.
Section One - The Production
Where it started.
We produced one complete episode of the show, once we nailed down the concept, with YouTuber, Craig Adams. The final product was shopped around and eventually picked up by the production company, Spacestation. A year later, it was in the hands of Food Network.

Section Two - The Design
The design system for the show was inspired by the quirky nature of the recipes and Elena’s irreverent comedic style. The yellow color was with the show from it’s inception, giving off strong morning energy. The bold typography could be easily seen contrasted in black on the backs of Elena’s note cards, which matched the overall set decoration. The icon system was meant to be representative of different breakfast foods, but also serve as abstract elements that could be utilized for multiple different purposes in production.
Production Note: We sold this show before the COVID-19 pandemic, and went into production in the summer of 2020. For almost everyone on set, it was the first thing that they had worked on all year. A big debt of gratitude is owed to everyone involved, including all of the guests, who absolutely did not have to risk their safety to come on a completely unknown cooking show.
Show Creator
Recipe Writer
Wardrobe -
Show Concept
Writer -
Art Assistant